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Associate Membership

Annual Fee: $165


The Pine Tree Potters' Guild is a member-run, not-for-profit organization. Associate Members typically have their own studio but have previously been a full Studio Member and have made significant contributions to the Guild during that time such that they are able to apply for Associate Membership. Associate Membership is a privilege, subject to availability and approval by the Board.


As an Associate Member, you do not have access to studio facilities but you:

  • may participate* in Guild sales (spring and fall) and exhibitions

  • agree to attend 4 of the 8 monthly meetings (September to November, January to May, usually the 1st Monday of the month)

  • must complete at least one shift at either the spring or fall sale regardless of whether or not you are participating in the sale

  • may participate in Raku* and potluck events

  • will receive monthly newsletters by email

  • will receive a discount on in-Guild classes

  • may take advantage of workshops* organized by the Guild

  • may have a page in the Gallery on the Guild's website


* additional fees apply


NOTE: Membership performance is reviewed annually and membership renewal will be denied if an Associate Member fails to fulfill their obligations as outlined above. Should you choose to cancel your membership before the year ends, your membership fee is non-refundable.


For additional information, please contact:



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