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Wait List Request for Studio Membership

​Before requesting to join the Wait List, please read carefully through the Studio Membership requirements. We are a cooperative Guild and there are duties that you must perform as a member to ensure the smooth operation of our studio.


If you have pottery experience (you've taken several courses at Pine Tree or similar pottery studio) and are able to work independently in, and contribute to, a cooperative studio, complete the form below. Please tell us about your previous clay experience and why you'd like to become a Studio Member.


Upon submitting your request, our Membership Coordinator will be in touch with you to confirm that you have read and understood the responsibilities of being a Studio Member and have the skills necessary to work independently in the studio before your name is added to the Wait List. Completion of the Wait List Request does not guarantee a spot on the list. Remember that we are volunteer-run so it may take them a few days to get back to you.


Note: Aurora residents are given preference when a space opens up.



Wait List Request for
Studio Membership

Thanks for your interest in Studio Membership with Pine Tree Potters' Guild.

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